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kurdistan4all Good start for all | Download Kurdistan4all ToolbarKurdistan is a land of spring flowers and waving fields of wheat, of rushing streams and sudden perilous gorges, of hidden caves and barren rock faces. Above all, it is a land where the rhythm of life is defined by the relationship between the people and the mountains. One range after another, the peaks stretch in all directions as far as the eye can travel, the highest of them capped year-round by snow. "Level the mounts," so the old saying goes, "and in a day the Kurds would be no more."

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Seyid Riza

Karim Khan Zand


Sheyx Mehmśd Berzenjķ











Ebdul Rehman Qasimlś











Qazķ Muhemed 

Seid Pirani

Massoud Barzani









Abdula Ocalan

Leyla Zana

Leyla Zana










Jalal Talabani



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Dr. S. Sheref Qendi


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