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kurdistan4all Good start for all | Download Kurdistan4all ToolbarKurdistan is a land of spring flowers and waving fields of wheat, of rushing streams and sudden perilous gorges, of hidden caves and barren rock faces. Above all, it is a land where the rhythm of life is defined by the relationship between the people and the mountains. One range after another, the peaks stretch in all directions as far as the eye can travel, the highest of them capped year-round by snow. "Level the mounts," so the old saying goes, "and in a day the Kurds would be no more."

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Ey Raqib Kurdish national anthem


Ey Reqîb

(Kurdish national anthem)

Ey raqîb her mawe qewmî kurd ziman,

Nay s,ikên danery topî zeman.

Kes nelê kurd mirduwe; kurd zînduwe,

Zînduwe qet nanewê alakeman.

Lawî kurd hestaye ser pê wek dilêr,

Ta be xuên nexsîn deka tacî jiyan.

Kes nelê kurd mirduwe, kurd zînduwe,

Zînduwe qet nanewê alakeman.

Ême roley Midya u Keyxusrewîn,

Dînman, ayînman her Kurdistan

Kes nelê kurd mirduwe, kurd zînduwe,

Zînduwe qet nanewê alakeman.

Ême roley rengî sûr u s,oris,în,

Seyrîke xuênawiya raburdûman.

Kes nelê kurd mirduwe, kurd zînduwe,

Zînduwe qet nanewê alakeman.

Lawî kurdî hazir u amadeye,

Giyan fîdane, giyan fîda, her giyanfîda.

Kes nelê Kurd mirduwe, kurd zînduwe,

Zînduwe qet nanewê alakeman.


<See here Ey Raqib>

Dildar (1917-1948)
Nivîskarê sirûda me ya neteweyî Dildar, li Koyê, li Kurdistana Başûr hatiye dunyayê. Navê wî yê rastî Yunis Raûf e. Piştî ku xwendina lîsê li bajarê Kerkûkê temam dike diçe Bexdayê fakûltêta hiqûqê dixwîne û dibe parêzger. Ew ji advokatiyê zêdetir bala xwe dide ser edebiyatê û helbestnivîsandinê.

Ji ber ku helbestên wî yên welatparêziyê bûn, serê wî gelek caran ketiye belayê, ew xistine hepis û zîndanan. "EY REQÎB" diyariya wî ya herî mezin e ji gelê wî re. Ew bi vê helbesta xwe ve îro jî di nav me de dijî.(Roja Nu)

Listen to Ey-ReqibListen to Ey Reqîb(Sivan Perwer) listen to Ey-Reqib

EY REQÎB (Kurmancî)

Ey reqîb her maye qewmê Kurdî ziman

Naşike u danaye topên zeman

Kes neben Kurd dimirin, kurd jin diven

Jin dive qet nakeve, Ala Kurdan

Em xortên Medya u Keyxusrewin

Seyr bike xwîna diyan me da rijan

Kes neben Kurd dimirin, Kurd jin diven

Jin dive qet nakeve, Ala Kurdan

Em xortên renge sor u şorişin

De xwin nexşîn bikin taca cihan

Kes nebe Kurd dimirin, Kurd Jin diven

Jin dive nakeve, Ala Kurdan

Lawên Kurd rabûne ser pêyan wek şêran

Dîn iman u ayin îman Kurd u Kurdistan

Kes neben Kurd dimirin, Kurd jin diven

Jin dive qet nakeve, Ala Kurdan

Lawên Kurd tev hazir u amadene

Can fidane can fida tev can fida

Kes neben Kurd dimirin, Kurd jin diven

Jin dive qet nakeve, Ala Kurdan

(Kurdish national anthem)

HEY ENEMY ! (English)

Hey enemy, the Kurdish nation is alive with its language
Can not be defeated by the weapons of any time
Let no one say Kurds are dead
Kurds are living
Kurds are living, their flag will never fall

We, the youth are the red colour of the revolution
Watch our blood that we shed on this way
Let no one say Kurds are dead
Kurds are living
Kurds are living, their flag will never fall

We are the children of Medya and Keyhusrew
Both our faith and religion are our homeland
Both our faith and religion are Kurd and Kurdistan
Let no one say Kurds are dead
Kurds are living
Kurds are living, their flag will never fall

The Kurdish youth have risen like lions
To adorn the crown of life with blood
Let no one say Kurds are dead
Kurds are living
Kurds are living, their flag will never fall

The Kurdish youth are ever present and
Forever will be ready to sacrifice their lives
Sacrifice each life they have, each life they have!!!...

Translated by: Brusk Chiwir Reshvan.

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